Friday, April 12, 2013

Reading this week

The New Pork Gospel (One Earth)
A new article by Barry Estabrook, author of Tomatoland and some of the best food journalism out there today, profiling Russ Kremer, a leading advocate for better hog farming. His story is intriguing and inspirational.

Taping of Farm Cruelty is Becoming the Crime (NY Times)
Article about Ag-gag laws across the country. The woman tries to make a comparison between agricultural practices and open heart surgery to support these laws and it is quite honestly the most ridiculous abuse of metaphor I've ever seen.
Dateline: Hormone Disruptors (NBC News)
Reporter Andrea Canning has herself and her children tested for hormone disruptors (like BPA) and has some interesting (and not at all surprising) results (The above link is to part 1.)

Farmstand App 
A new app that allows you to find local farmers' markets and see what's fresh. Only for iPhone so far, but hopefully some day for Android!

Why You Shouldn't Wrinkle Your Nose at Fermentation (NPR)
Fermented foods have tons of benefits. Healthy for you and delicious to boot. There's nothing like freshly fermented sauerkraut, and kombucha is quickly becoming one of my favorite beverages.

What's New in Food Marketing? Protein! (Food Politics)
Marion Nestle rounds up recent discussion on pumping food products with extra protein as a marketing ploy.

Hello, My Name is Porterhouse Chop (NPR)
Pork industry is renaming cuts of pork in order to help consumers understand cuts of meat. I swear, the food industry thinks we're all six years old. 

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