Thursday, May 29, 2014

Real Life CSA: week 7

Standard favorites this week, plus an item that keeps on giving.

First of all, forgive the terrible photo of the goodies this week. The plastic bags don't do anything to show off their beauty, and neither does all the crap in the background. It's been one of those weeks where the commute, job and weather have conspired to give me nearly zero time to do anything extra, including styling vegetables. But what's more real life CSA than this? 

Apple cider will likely be frozen, since we are still working on our last one. I've found it works really well in my granola recipe (which I'm always mentioning because it's such a great, easy breakfast fix). 

The lettuce will be our salad base this week, and the green onions will be one component of them as well. I find these green onions have the most wonderful taste compared to the ones you can get in the grocery store. They aren't bitter and they are more "oniony." In this case, it's particularly true that locally grown produce tastes better.

The last time we had feta cheese, Mark made a homemade white pizza that was probably the best he had ever made. (And he makes GREAT pizza.) So I might potentially request that he repeat the magic with this goat feta.

As for the kale, probably kale chips. I recently made a few green smoothies, and while I mildly enjoyed the one I made with spinach, avocado and fruit, the one I made with kale tasted like a clod of mud. I really do like kale, so it felt like a waste to put it in a smoothie where it isn't going to shine. So I will probably stick to perfecting spinach smoothies when I want one, and leave the kale for other preparations.

Last but not least, the seedling. I'll get into this more next week, but this seedling will come in quite handy. We're purchasing many more like it from Penn's Corner's Farm Stand this coming week after our own seedlings succumbed to our own newbie mistakes and the freakish weather around here lately. Look for a full post on what NOT to do when you start your own seedlings next week. When hopefully I will not be a resident of Crazy Town anymore. 

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